Quick Look
Refusing To Decrypt Hard Drives May Equal Indefinite Jail Time
The topic of encryption is becoming more prominent in media headlines these days as consumers want to protect their privacy. But the US...
China to buy $90 billion gold vault in London
The Chinese state-owned ICBC Standard Bank (IDCBF), the world's biggest bank by assets, has agreed to buy Barclays precious metals storage...
GTEC Awards Final: €50,000 Eyed by Blockchain Innovators
Tuesday will see the unveiling of the winner at the GTEC Blockchain Innovation Awards in Berlin, with startups in line for up to €20,000...
LegacyNest Can Make Your Will, But Can’t Smart Contracts Too?
A new startup called LegacyNest will help you write a will on your behalf, as well as check whether you are still alive. But at the same...
45% of US Households Avoid Online Shopping Due to Cybercrime Risk
Online shopping is becoming a significant trend all over the world, yet a lot of people show concerns of online privacy and security. A...
Is Bitcoin a True Anti-War Currency?
It is not common to speak of currency as being pro or anti-war. A freely traded currency is merely an economic tool that facilitates the...
My Dinner with Adam Back, by Roger Ver
About a week ago, at the NYC Consensus conference I was fortunate enough to get to spend four hours over dinner with Adam Back of...
Bitcoin Lending Platform BitConnect.co Releases Innovative “My Page” Feature
In a digital currency world that is built upon the concept of decentralization, the greater Bitcoin community can seem fractured and...
BTCPOP first introduced the ability for users to create an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in December 2015, however, you might not know...
Bitcoin & Blockchain Could Reform European Union Payment Laws
In its final report on virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology concerning the likes of bitcoin and blockchain tech, the...
11FS Blockchain Consultancy Seeks $100 Million
Recently, there have been reports of a new fintech consultancy firm that will be headquartered in London, touting blockchain technology....
Blockchain and the Race Towards Irrelevance
Matthew Spoke is a bitcoin and Ethereum enthusiast who has been working towards advancing the use of smart distributed protocols through...
An Anatomy of Bitcoin’s Great Scaling Debate
Dr Paul Ennis is a research assistant at The Centre for Innovation, Technology & Organization at University College Dublin,...
Doug Miller of KeepKey Bitcoin Wallet on SegWit and New Features
KeepKey is one of the top Bitcoin Hardware Wallets in the industry right now. I recently had the opportunity to have a hands-on experience...
Malaysian Central Bank Focuses on Adapting Fintech Regulation
Malaysia is one of the most recent countries to look at its current regulatory guidelines and come up with changes to take part of the...
Japan Could Come to Dominate the Bitcoin Landscape
Japan seems to have Bitcoin fever these days. Trading volume is growing exponentially in the region and organizations across the land are...
Bank of Japan Official: Central Banks Need to Watch Blockchain
A deputy governor of Japan's central bank has said that central banks worldwide need to pay close attention to developments surrounding...
Bitcoin Price Stabilizes at $450 But Forecast Ahead Unclear
Bitcoin prices fluctuated little in the week ending 13th May, staying largely between $450 and $460 amid lackluster trading volume. While...
Bitcoin Core is Seeking to Overhaul How it Upgrades its Code
The Bitcoin Core team is looking to refresh the process by which code changes are proposed, considered and implemented in a bid to engage...
What Can Gold Do For Our Money?
One of the chief virtues of a gold standard is that it serves as a restraint on the growth of money and credit. It makes runaway...
Cashila Launches New Ethereum Platform Called ICONOMI
A new service has been launched by the Cashila team, with the aim of making Ether trading more convenient for users. ICONOMI, as this new...
Kompany.com Announces Private Blockchain Integration
The business registry database, Kompany.com, made it known at a joint conference of the European Commerce Registers’ Forum (ECRF) and...
Visa and MasterCard Secretly Increase Processing Fees
The introduction of new NFC and EMV-enabled payment cards has forced merchants to upgrade their payment terminals since last 2015....
Five Strategic Firms in the Crypto-Landscape
There’s been a lot of venture capital flying around the cryptocurrency and blockchain environment this year. Some investment firms are...
Korea Exchange Talks Top-Down Approach to Blockchain Innovation
Though major stock exchanges in London and New York have garnered the lion’s share of major media headlines, their peers internationally...
Congressional Committee Hears Testimony on Blockchain in Health Care
During an appearance on Capitol Hill earlier this week, a representative for a prominent US think tank suggested that blockchain...
CapGemini to Develop Blockchain Loyalty Tech Amid ‘Aggressive’ Hiring
Technology consulting firm CapGemini took its latest step on its bid to dramatically increase its investment in blockchain tech this week,...
Scientific Research Proof of Concept Validates Bitcoin Technology
A recent science publication on F1000Research ventures into the world of using Bitcoin technology to improve the trustworthiness of...
China: Bitcoin Banks, Mines, Myths and Realities
Western curiosity about Bitcoin in China remains high, but access to information is usually quite limited. By Jon Southurst As a...
State of Blockchain Q1 2016: Blockchain Funding Overtakes Bitcoin
Q1 2016 State of Blockchain report summarizes key trends, data and events from the first quarter of 2016. This article highlights a few of...
Why Silvergate’s CEO is Banking 15 Bitcoin Companies
Startups focused on products and services based on bitcoin have never had an easy time opening bank accounts – or maintaining positive...
This Early Ripple Supporter is Using Ethereum to Rethink Banking
One of the first banks to become involved in the blockchain space, German online bank Fidor has long been quiet about the shifts in its...
Colos and MSPs cash in on cloud — while they can
According to professional services firm Jones Lang LaSalle, "More business than ever is happening online, and data centers are feeling...
Schools Embrace Bitcoin Technology To Record Student Credentials
The use cases of blockchain technology have been touted many times, and various education facilities are using this concept to record and...
New Yorkers Tout Blockchain at Libertarian Party Convention
Last week, at the New York Libertarian Party Convention, there was some strong enthusiasm for blockchain technology. According to a report...
The Golem Project Aims To Decentralize The Internet And Computing
The Golem Project holds a lot of potential value for the future, as it would effectively create a truly decentralized Web. Combining the...
Is Blockchain the Key to User-Controlled Social Media?
New social media platforms are starting to emerge that utilize blockchain and distributed ledger technology in an effort to build...
Coinbase Uses ‘Paranoid’ Cloud Infrastructure to Secure Platform
Coinbase, founded in 2012 by Fred Ehrsam and Brian Armstrong, is one of the most popular bitcoin companies in the cryptocurrency...
Target Is Hiring an Expert Who Understands Bitcoin
By Jamie Redman Target is changing its focus to online e-commerce according to a report from Business Insider. The company believes its...
How New York Regulatory Oversight Further Boosts Ethereum
When the Gemini Trust Company begins trading Ether Monday at 9:30 a.m., offering ETH/BTC and ETH/USD trading pairs on two order books, a...
What Investors Should Know Before Trading Ether
Given the increasing prominence of the idea blockchain tech will impact enterprise business, both retail investors and investment...
How the Blockchain Can Avoid the Perils of Futurism
Martin Hagelstrom is a bitcoin enthusiast, project executive and consultant working on IT projects at IBM. In this opinion piece,...
In London, Researchers Look at Blockchain Beyond Financial Services
Blockchain applications have gained surprising momentum in the financial services industry. Major banks and financial institutions...
IBM Brings Blockchains to the Cloud
Recently, IBM announced a new blockchain architecture based in the cloud after working with “hundreds of clients, startups, and...
The Ethereum DAO Has Already Raised $18 Million
The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) asset fund created to sponsor Ethereum-based ventures has raised over $17.5 million USD in...
DAO.LINK Bridges The Gap Between Business And Blockchain
Despite best efforts from various startups, there is still a gap between blockchain and companies staying true to their physical presence....
BitPay Announces Bitcoin Debit Card
Bitcoin merchant services provider BitPay has introduced its latest product offering, a bitcoin-funded Visa debit card. The prepaid...
Implementing Blockchain: Who Are You Going to Call?
William Mougayar is a Toronto-based entrepreneur, investor and advisor is also the author of the upcoming book, The Business Blockchain. ...
Educating Regulators a Priority, Say Blockchain Policy Experts
If digital currency is ever going to go mainstream, regulators will need to remove the doubt that surrounds it. But before that happens...
Lawyers Argue Bitcoin Needs Change in Money-Transmitting Laws
The lawyer representing Anthony Murgio in an ongoing case regarding his now-closed firm Coin.mx argued today why he thinks the law being...
‘Post-Trade Distributed Ledger’ Group Grows to 37 Members
The Post-Trade Distributed Ledger (PTDL) Group, an initiative launched last year by banks, clearing houses and exchanges, has taken steps...
Shoot for the Moon or Take It Slow? Tech Giants Talk Blockchain
Three massive tech companies and one of the most heavily funded startups in blockchain today debated the merits of deploying blockchain...
Dueling Blockchain Visions Face Off in Consensus 2016 Day Two Finale
The final panel on the last full day of Consensus 2016 featured a gentlemen’s dual of philosophies over the merits of public and private...
Bitcoin 2016 : ‘There Has Been an Awakening…’
Vinny Lingham This is the follow up to my previous post, which has been quoted widely in the press and research reports as one of the...
Social Blogging Platform AKASHA Nears Public Alpha Release
Jean-Pierre Buntinx Censorship has plagued social media platforms for several years, and AKASHA wants to put an end to this scenario. This...
Permissioned Blockchain Chain Open Standard 1 Goes Public
Jean-Pierre Buntinx Blockchain providers are the center of attention these days, and Chain Inc. has released their Chain Open Standard 1....
IBM brings blockchain framework to IBM Cloud
By Fahmida Y. Rashid Enterprises in financial services, education, and health care see the tremendous potential behind the blockchain...