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    By Julio Gil-Pulgar,

    Rootstock is now available on seven of Jaxx’s platforms. Anthony Di Iorio, CEO of Jaxx, announced the Rootstock integration at the Latin America Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference (laBITconf), on 5 November, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Enhancing the Bitcoin Ecosystem

    Jaxx rootstock announcementAccording to Jaxx’s press release, “Jaxx becomes the first blockchain wallet to effect the integration, which will give users an opportunity to access the testnet version of the token, powered by smart contracts secured by the bitcoin network.”

    Di Iorio and Diego Gutierrez, founder of Rootstock (RSK), made the announcement jointly, accompanied by excited RSK team members.

    Di Iorio stated, “Rootstock’s platform is a remarkable way to enhance the efficiency of transactions and, in turn, the entire bitcoin ecosystem. We have seen great interest in their project and we are big fans of the development team. Jaxx is thrilled to add the yellow label version of their coin on our wallets, and look forward to adding the main-net version in the coming months.”

    On making the announcement, Di Iorio promptly invited developers to test their products, on seven of Jaxx’s nine platforms, at the RSK Testnet Faucet. You can test your project here.

    Additionally, Di Iorio noted, support for iPhone and iPad is coming soon.

    Jaxx and Rootstock: Unifying the Blockchain Technologies

    Di Iorio, who co-founded Ethereum, has become a leader in transformational and decentralized technologies. In effect, Di Iorio’s company created the universal wallet Jaxx, which allows users to perform transactions with multiple cryptocurrencies.

    During his keynote address at the laBITconf, Di Iorio remarked that the ecosystem is hyped, with many projects are going on, and that there is even jealousy between the different projects.

    Di Iorio called for unity in the ecosystem, arguing against growing polarization. He warned, “We are the disruptors, but we might end up disrupting ourselves.”

    “We need a unified community with a long-term solution,” concluded Di Iorio.

    The partnership of RSK and Jaxx will dramatically expand their users’ options across different platforms. This is certainly a decisive and concrete step towards a more unified ecosystem.

    Securing Solutions on Top of the Bitcoin Network

    RSKThe Rootstock team prioritizes security and believes that the Bitcoin blockchain provides the highest level of security and transparency. Consequently, RSK’s smart contract platform is 2-way pegged to Bitcoin.

    Specifically, “RSK’s blockchain is secured by merge-mining, which means that we can achieve the same security as Bitcoin in terms of double-spend prevention and settlement finality,” states RSK’s website.

    Thus, Diego Gutierrez outlined Bitcoin’s network security virtues, when announcing the integration of Rootstock’s token RSK “Smart Bitcoin,” into Jaxx’s suite of software products.

    Gutierrez said, “Rootstock is not new in that it inherits intellectual work from previous projects, but what is new, is the way we create economic incentives and the way we leverage on top of the Bitcoin security model.”

    “Our partnership with Jaxx is a landmark one for us because they produce full-featured, easy to use wallets on more platforms than anyone else.”

    According to the press release, “Rootstock will facilitate over 300 transactions per second and confirms payments in less than 20 seconds.”

    Therefore, the joint Jaxx-RSK effort will result in faster, more secure, and more transparent payment transactions. Additionally, with Jaxx’s multi-token, multi-platform technology, and philosophy of embracing the entire ecosystem, the partnership will not only make the ecosystem more efficient but also more unified.

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