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    Bitcoin prices fell sharply today after setting a new all-time high above $2,700 on the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (BPI).

    The BPI hit a high of $2,791.70 today, data shows. Yet after beginning to dip around 15:00 UTC, that move became more pronounced after 16:00 UTC, including a more than $100 drop between 16:36 UTC and 16:54 UTC, BPI data shows, sliding from roughly $2,630 to $2,515, with a further drop below $2,400 over the next hour.

    Markets hit a low of about $2,352, BPI data shows. At press time, the price of bitcoin is at an average of $2,397.

    The volatility comes amid a boom in cryptocurrency markets, which have seen bitcoin and others hit new all-time highs in recent days.

    Rollercaster image via Shutterstock

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