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Editors Note: “Bitcoiners love Tor but the FBI has “updated” Rule 41 of the internet that could blacken Tor’s horizon. This means that unless Congress blocks it, using the anonymous browser could become illegal in the near future.” By Wendy McElroy... by admin
Editor Note: “Blockchain app specialist Tendermint is in the early stages of preparing to launch a public blockchain that could find it issuing tokens in a bid to create a platform comparable to bitcoin or Ethereum with alternative capabilities.” By Pete... by admin
Editors Note: “Thus far, 2016 has seen no shortage of financial incumbents touting blockchain, but perhaps the most surprising has been the warm embrace the tech has received from central securities depositories (CSDs), the entities that serve as intermediaries... by admin
Editors Note: “There’s a lot of sci-fi-level buzz lately about smart machines and software bots that will use big data and the Internet of things to become autonomous actors, such as to schedule your personal tasks, drive your car or a delivery truck,... by admin
Editor Note: “Bit Hash Limited brings the unique chance for the investors interested in real online investments to diversify their portfolio with the addition of Bitcoin, which is assumed to be the most coveted investment trend in today’s digital world.”... Page 10,961 of 10,995« First«...102030...10,95910,96010,96110,96210,963...10,97010,98010,990...»Last » Translate »