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Editor Note: “Regulation in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is often seen as a double-edged sword. But if Circle has a say in the matter, more regulation will be beneficial, and it is direly needed as well.” Jean-Pierre Buntinx The benefit of... by admin
Editor Note: “Satoshi Citadel has raised seed funding from KVG, which is the venture capital arm of Korean web giant Kakao. According to the Bitcoin company, this is a strategic partnership that could bring its “innovative solutions” to Kakao’s 100 millions... by admin
Editors Note: Big multiple – 18 times net. The reported cash and stock stock deal, which has yet to be confirmed by the purchasing party Shandong Luyitong, values Canaan (known commonly by the name of its bitcoin mining chip brand, Avalon) at approximately... by admin
Editor Note: “Following the publication of a report by the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on FinTech innovation in March, six blockchain businesses and advocacy groups have submitted public comments that shed light on how they’re hoping to... by admin
Editor Note: “IBM today opened an incubator where 5,000 computer scientists will work to build rapid prototypes using the company’s blockchain and Watson AI tools for businesses in the Asian-Pacific region.” By Michael del Castillo Called the Watson Centre... Page 10,959 of 10,995« First«...102030...10,95710,95810,95910,96010,961...10,97010,98010,990...»Last » Translate »