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    Elon Musk Is Squaring Off Against China for the Future of Tesla

    Editor Notes: “How important are metals to Tesla? Just check out the names of some conference rooms at its new $5 billion gigafactory in Nevada: Lithium, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminum. They’re used to make lithium ion batteries, and Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk...

    Regulators On Oversight For Bitcoin and Distributed Ledgers

    Editor Notes: “A major financial oversight body within the US government created in the wake of the financial crisis has identified bitcoin and distributed ledger systems in general as a potential systemic risk.” By Stan Higgins   The Financial...

    Cornell Professor Calls for ‘DAO 2.0’ Movement

    Editor Notes: “The Cornell computer scientist who helped identify vulnerabilities in The DAO revealed 10 new exploits in its code at an event in New York.” By Michael del Castillo The statements from Emin Gün Sirer, a longstanding critic of the project,...
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