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    Miners Meet Core Developers – Bitcoin Price Falls

    Editor Notes : “Bitcoin’s price dropped by $30 this morning (July 31st, 2016) as market uncertainty increases due to a closed door meeting between Bitcoin miners and Bitcoin Core developers. ” By Andrew Quentson, Details are sparse as no media...

    Are Bitcoin and Gold Prices Correlated?

    Editor Notes : “Bitcoin has been called ‘digital gold’, but does this mean the two markets behave similarly? Tim Enneking, chairman of cryptocurrency investment manager EAM, said: “There is actually very little correlation when you factor out...

    Public Blockchains: The Community vs The Ecosystem

    Editor Notes: “We always hear the word “community” as a reference to the body of players who are supposed to be the stakeholders that care the most about such or such blockchain. This term has been a cornerstone of recent events, like bitcoin’s...
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