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    Bitfinex Considers Haircut for All BTC Traders

    Editor Notes : “As it tries to mitigate the effects of last week’s theft of nearly $68 million, Hong Kong exchange Bitfinex has announced it may make all Bitcoin traders using its service pay the price.” By William Suberg ‘Socialized Loss Scenario’ for...

    SEB Backed its First Bitcoin Startup

    Editor Notes : “The investment branch of Sweden’s Bank SEB Group has been investing in what it calls “deep technology” startups for over 20 years. Head of SEB Venture Capital, David Sonnek says: “This kind of platform really unleashes the...

    Barclays Sets Forth Vision for Smart Contracts Future

    Editor Notes : “Barclays investment bank CTO and report author Lee Braine said the aim was to search for “narrower definitions” of commonly used terms such as “automation” and “enforceability” as a means of moving forward with...

    ELECTRIC JET air travel VTOL for the masses

    Editor Notes : “Taking off and landing like a helicopter, the Lilium aircraft goes from VTOL to forward flight by swiveling its engines.”   By Colin Jeffrey, Can’t face the drive to the airport? Why not bypass the whole circus and jump in your...

    Bitcoin Price Regains From Bitfinex Theft & Impending Collapse

    Editor Notes :Lee founder of leveraged derivatives trading platform Magnr said: “The price recovery following Bitfinex’s bad news reflects a strong level of interest in holding bitcoin for the purpose of long-term investment.” By Charles Bovaird, Following...
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