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    Payments Firm Qiwi Working On Transition to Blockchain

    Editor Notes : “Russian payments firm Qiwi now estimates it could upgrade its core database to a distributed ledger system by 2021.” By Pete Rizzo, In an interview with Rambler News Service, a representative for the company said that this projection is in...

    Bitfinex Issues Digital Assets to Customers?

    Editor Notes : “Bitfinex has issued its own digital asset in what analysts are labeling an unusual attempt to offset customer losses stemming from a $66m theft last week.” By Michael del Castillo, As the market eagerly awaited more details this weekend,...

    Isle of Man Tests Blockchain Prototype for IoT

    Editor Notes: “The government of the Isle of Man has announced its latest blockchain proof-of-concept.” By Michael del Castillo, Profiled today in Financial News, the project is a collaboration with blockchain startup Credits that finds the two partners...

    UK Gambling Regulator Clarifies Digital Currency Rules

    Editor Notes : The UK’s gambling regulator has clarified its rules for digital currencies. By Pete Rizzo, In an update to its codes of practice issued this July, the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) outlined how licensees can implement appropriate policies for...
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