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    Verizon Applies for Blockchain Patent

    By William Suberg US communications giant Verizon has filed a Blockchain patent for its digital media rights following three years of investigative research. Verizon: Patent for ‘Passcode Blockchain’ Verizon, the largest communications company in the US, made the...

    1st Fixed-Wing Consumer Drone for $1,300

    By Tom Brant Launch it by throwing it in the air, and watch it reach 50mph before landing automatically. Somewhere between the enthusiast’s gasoline-powered scale model of a Cessna 172 and the Reaper and Predator drones that fly secret kill missions for the...

    Japanese Firms Test Blockchain for E-Check Management

    By Stan Higgins, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and tech giant Hitachi are now working on a blockchain proof-of-concept aimed at e-check management. The prototype system, according to the two companies, seeks to create a digital platform for “issuing,...

    Sberbank Considers Russian Blockchain Consortium

    By Pete Rizzo, One of Russia’s largest financial institutions is in discussions to join a domestic bank consortium that would study blockchain technology. Announced in April, the consortium effort is being led by Russian payments firm Qiwi and international...

    Millions in DAO Funds Unclaimed

    By Michael del Castillo, It’s now been one month since a hard fork of the ethereum blockchain resulted in 11.6m ether being moved to an account with one function: withdraw. At the time, that was about $145m worth of the digital currency just waiting for former...
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