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    CryptoCurrency Pubcon is Coming to NYC

    By Jamie Redman There’s a new networking event coming to New York City called the CryptoCurrency Pubcon that will gather 1,000 blockchain and digital currency enthusiasts to discuss emerging innovative technologies. Pubcon Will Gather 1,000 Crypto-Industry Enthusiasts...

    Blockpay Accept 8 Major Cryptos at Zero-Cost

    Jamie Redman Bitcoin recently chatted with Christoph Hering of Blockpay. Hering is an entrepreneur and the co-founder of Bitshares Munich. He shares with us his vision for Blockpay a new Point of Sale platform that allows merchants to accept a wide variety of...

    R3 Files Patent Application for Distributed Ledger Tech

    By Stan Higgins New York startup R3CEV is reportedly attempting to patent a blockchain-inspired financial platform. According to The Wall Street Journal, a patent filing for a software product dubbed “Concord” took place earlier this week. The startup is...
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