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    US Credit Unions’ CULedger to Do ‘What R3 Does For Banks’

    By William Suberg August saw the first meeting of US credit unions looking to pioneer so-called distributed ledger technology (DLT) in CULedger, a “dedicated” version of the banks’ R3 Consortium. CULedger ‘Does What R3 Is Doing for Banks’ CULedger, which seeks to...

    China’s Social Security Fund to Use Blockchain Technology

      By Jamie Redman According to Wang Zhongmin, China’s vice-chairman of the National Council for Social Security Fund (NCSSF), the country will use blockchain technology to issue Social Security payments. Several Large Collaboratives to Help Implement Blockchain to...

    Tree-planting drones to speed up reforestation efforts

    John Anderson, DroneSeed’s drones would rapidly reforest logged lands by planting seeds, spraying for invasive species, and monitoring the tree growth process. Planting trees in remote forest locations is a slow, laborious process that still relies on humans...

    Audi Does Electric Power Formula E

    Scott Collie, Formula E may not attract the same attention as Formula 1, but it’s building momentum as the 2016/2017 season edges closer. The addition of Roborace as a support series promises to add some excitement to race weekends, and big brands are putting...
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