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    Bitwala: ‘Nobody Uses Altcoins,’ Bitcoin Is the Top Crypto

      Jamie Redman, Bitcoin payment processor Bitwala revealed on September 8 that even though it accepts 40 altcoins, the startup will focus most of its interest on the Bitcoin network. The firm states while everyone is excited about these technologies “nobody uses...

    Stripe Does Bitcoin Makes Top 5 on Forbes Cloud 100 List

      William Suberg, Bitcoin merchant acceptance startup Stripe has placed fourth in the first-ever Forbes Cloud 100, signifying a new level of mainstream acknowledgment of crypto-based disruptors. Forbes: Cloud Creating ‘Billion-Dollar Categories,’ Stripe Part of the...

    More People Taking Blockchain Classes as New Economy Grows

    Jamie Redman, A new economy is emerging from Bitcoin and blockchain technology. These new markets have created countless new jobs. People are now enrolling in classes to learn the relevant new skills. Software Developers Taking Courses To Get Ahead In The Blockchain...

    AI DeepMind Achieves Speech-Generation Breakthrough

    Jeremy Kahn jeremyakahn Google’s DeepMind unit, which is working to develop super-intelligent computers, has created a system for machine-generated speech that it says outperforms existing technology by 50 percent. U.K.-based DeepMind, which Google acquired for about...
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