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    MIT Launches Immutable Certification Using Blockchain

    By Jamie Redman, Back in June MIT Media Lab tested certification authentication using the Bitcoin blockchain. After working on research and development for over a year, the school organization has released an open standard for digital academic certificates called...

    US Bank Regulator Looks At Blockchain Oversight

    By Stan Higgins, A US banking regulator has unveiled a broad innovation policy aimed at regulating startups working with blockchain and other fintech. On 26th October, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released its “responsible innovation framework”,...

    Comparing Zcash with Bitcoin

    By Alex Sunnarborg, With the launch of Zcash today (and the speculation surrounding it) you may be wondering how the decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency compares to bitcoin, the original digital currency. While many structural similarities to Satoshi...
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