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By Justin O’ Connell, Litecoin is implementing Segwit, and that could lead to increased interest in the alternative cryptocurrency once ranked largest after Bitcoin, but now ranked third after Ethereum and Ripple. With Segwit, Litecoin Is Taking a Risk Charles... by admin
By Jamie Redman, Bitwage is now operating in India offering to improve international wage distribution with cryptocurrency. Now millions of workers from India will be able to get their wages paid in bitcoin and INR. Bitwage Now Available for Indian Workers On December... by admin
By Jérémie Guélat, Arcade games saw a paradigm shift with the introduction of the smartphone. Many smartphone games were huge successes and became viral. Nonetheless, these games do not reward users with money. We now see another paradigm shift thanks to the invention... by admin
Bitcoin prices have shot past $900, the latest move in a week of dramatic market increases. The digital currency’s price peaked at $911.99, according to data from the CoinDesk USD Bitcoin Price Index (BPI). Prices haven’t exceeded the $900 level since mid-January... by admin
By Ryan Uhr, Uhr is CEO and founder of Coinplug, a South Korea-based bitcoin services company. It’s often outside the major US and European markets that blockchain companies produce the most interesting innovations, thanks to differences in both the regulatory... Page 10,750 of 10,988« First«...102030...10,74810,74910,75010,75110,752...10,76010,77010,780...»Last » Translate »