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    Creating Altcoins is Easy, Maintaining One is Not

    By Jamie Redman, Love them or hate them, there’s a lot of altcoins in the crypto-economy. In fact, in 2017 there are roughly more than 700 different kinds of cryptocurrency. All of them claim to offer something unique. However, many people believe there is nothing...

    Deploy Servers Anonymously with Bitcoin from the Command Line

    By Kevin Helms, Developers often build and test their applications in temporary server environments called cloud or virtual servers, from infrastructure providers such as Amazon, Digital Ocean, and the bitcoin-accepting Vultr. A new service has been launched to help...

    Things Bitcoin Companies Try To Patent

    By Justin O’ Connell, Amazon. AT&T. Bank of America. Goldman Sachs. IBM. JPMorgan. Mastercard. R3. Western Union. Verizon. These are just a few of the corporations which have filed blockchain-related patent applications worldwide. But, what about...

    Law and Blockchain

      By Josh Stark, Stark is a lawyer and head of operations and legal at Ledger Labs, a blockchain consultancy based in Toronto. It’s rare for any issue in the blockchain industry to escape conversation about legal implications. This past summer, The DAO hack...
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