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    Blockchain Could Become an $8 Billion Global Industry By 2024

    By Stan Higgins, The next eight years could see the blockchain marketplace grow to almost $8bn in value, according to a new research report. The report, prepared by Grand View Research, points to a combination of industry investments, enterprise interest in blockchain...

    Bitcoin As A World Currency – A Pipe Dream Or Reality ?

    By Julio Gil-Pulgar, Bitcoin is becoming a world currency. Credibility and safe-haven currency functionality are some of the sine qua non features of a world currency. Signs corroborating that Bitcoin exhibits these two features are appearing more frequently and in...

    Israel’s Tax Authority Wants to Treat Bitcoin As a Kind of Property By Stan Higgins, Israel’s government is set to apply capital gains tax to bitcoin sales, categorizing digital currencies as a type of property. According to a statement published on 11th...

    Nigeria Warned its Citizens About Onecoin This Week

    By Stan Higgins, Local advertisements for OneCoin and other digital currency investments have drawn the ire of Nigeria’s top securities regulatory. OneCoin – which has widely accused of operating a fraudulent Ponzi scheme and has been targeted by other regulatory...
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