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By Stan Higgins, In Raleigh, North Carolina, a father-and-son team are bucking the trend of industrial bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining is a highly energy intensive process in which competing parties race to add the next block or batch of transactions to the blockchain.... by admin
By Bailey Reutzel, A less-discussed type of financial entity, the credit union service organization (CUSO), has emerged as an unlikely – but significant – player in the industry’s CU Ledger blockchain initiative. In fact, to say that the involvement of CUSOs in... by admin
Stan Higgins, The central bank of Russia has successfully completed a distributed ledger trial. Dubbed “Masterchain”, the Bank of Russia described the system as “a technical prototype for financial messaging” that uses a distributed... by admin
By Todd Bryant, The North Carolina Money Transmitter Act was recently extended to cover bitcoin traders with House Bill 289, signed in July 2016 by State Governor Pat McCrory. Deemed as the ‘virtual currency law’ in the state, the bill introduces a legal framework for... by admin
By Charles Bovaird, It could be said that bitcoin was born in an era of low interest rates. The world’s first decentralized digital currency was first mined and traded in 2009, at a time when central banks were using unprecedented stimulus in an effort to... Page 10,674 of 10,845« First«...102030...10,67210,67310,67410,67510,676...10,68010,69010,700...»Last » Translate »