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By Jamie Redman, Bitcoin recently chatted with the Omni Foundation’s Patrick Dugan about the project Omni Layer. Omni has launched another release cycle of the Omni Layer platform. The platform creates a layer over the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling various use cases... by admin
By Julio Gil-Pulgar, In October, using new techniques and new cyber weapons, attackers disrupted several major websites all over the U.S. As a result, legislators have been hearing calls for regulating the Internet of Things (IoT). In fact, the Chair of the National... by admin
By Pete Rizzo, While momentum for bitcoin as a consumer payment method has waned, Bitcoin Black Friday is still attracting attention from merchants its fifth year on. The event, a bitcoin version of the usually aggressive, post-Thanksgiving shopping spree, started in... by admin
By Pete Rizzo, At over 1,000-years-old, The Royal Mint – the only institution licensed to provide coins in the UK – isn’t the type of business you might expect to be launching a blockchain. However, in the face of new “technological and competitive”... by admin
By Kevin Helms, The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is responsible for promoting investor protection, orderly markets and financial stability. At a blockchain conference last week in London, Patrick Armstrong, Senior Risk Analysis Officer, detailed... Page 10,620 of 10,843« First«...102030...10,61810,61910,62010,62110,622...10,63010,64010,650...»Last » Translate »