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By Justin O’ Connell, Despite the dollar’s 2016 gains and year-end rate hike, Bitcoin still outpaced the global reserve currency in 2016 in price terms. Bitcoin’s “inverse relationship to the Dollar” seemingly no longer persists. The Only Fed Rate Bitcoin Has... by admin
By Raine Revere, Revere is a developer and teacher with over 15 years of coding experience, and a leading voice in the developing field of ethereum smart contract security.The ethereum developer community is an active community. As 2016 comes to a close, it is a great... by admin
By Frederick Reese, At the PYMNTS’ Innovation Project 2013 conference, former US vice president Al Gore made waves by speaking out in favor of bitcoin and the potential of the distributed ledger technology that drives the cryptocurrency. “I think the fact... by admin
By Michael Krieger, One of the things I try to do here at Liberty Blitzkrieg is identify and comment upon major macro trends before they become apparent to the public at large. Sometimes these trends are positive, while other times they are decisively negative. Since... by admin
By Justin O’ Connell, When Opendime made its ‘bitcoin stick’ with multi-signature Bitcoin wallet provider Coinkite, it called it a ‘Bitcoin bearer bond’ – that is, a bond or debt security. The controversial product, much scrutinized in 2016 by Bitcoiners,... Page 10,599 of 10,844« First«...102030...10,59710,59810,59910,60010,601...10,61010,62010,630...»Last » Translate »