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    Bitcoin ETF Could Amass $300 Million in Assets 

    By Pete Rizzo, A new investor note published today by analyst Needham & Company projects that a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) could attract as much as $300m in new assets in its first week alone. Writing about the potential impact of an ETF on the nascent...

    China’s Losing Battle to Keep From Going Broke

    China is going broke. This statement comes as a shock to those who have heard over-and-over that China is a rising economic superstar and will soon be the greatest economy on earth, surpassing the U.S. in the #1 role. How can China go broke? The math is simple. In...

    Now Another Country is Getting Ready to Make Cash Illegal

    We’ve all read and heard a lot lately about the “war on cash.” Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff even wrote an entire book on the subject calledThe Curse of Cash. Of course, Rogoff is on the side of those who want to eliminate cash. Then, savers can be herded into...
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