Joey King, a developer at, is the latest character to have shared his story on the Humans of Bitcoin podcast with Matt Aaron. The interview covers how he went from working in the oil industry to being a crypto programmer to how he sees the propaganda efforts of Napoleon reflected in the market today.
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Listen to The Education of Joey King
In the first part of the interview, Joey King talks a little bit about his early years, like growing up outside his homeland of the U.S., and coming back to get an American higher education. Much of the segment also focuses on his time working for oil giant Exxon and what it taught him about the inner operations of big businesses, government control of the economy, geopolitics, international banking and other related topics. From there the developer describes how he first heard about cryptocurrency and the path that took him from his work for Exxon all the way here.
The second part of the interview focuses on the current cryptocurrency ecosystem, the problems and threats it faces, as well as how the way forward will look. King talked about some surprising lessons that bitcoin cash (BCH) supporters need to take from political and military history. The developer also candidly shared his personal experience as an investor during the highs and lows of the volatile cryptocurrency markets and how it affects your better judgment.
Make sure to check out the Podcast Network to see all the available shows and follow them on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
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