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    By Jamie Redman,

    New Hampshire’s Free Keene community recently announced a historic Bitcoin radio ad campaign. The libertarian-based organization wants to spread more cryptocurrency adoption, savings, and other benefits through advertisements on “The Peak” radio.

    Free Keene Launches Bitcoin Radio Ads On ‘The Peak’ Radio Station

    fk_200xFree Keene is a well-known New Hampshire-based libertarian enclave. Many residents believe in free market philosophy and in removing state-powered monopolies on force. Free Keene affiliates also have a website that shares local content and libertarian-related news.

    Alongside this, a large portion of residents are Bitcoin supporters and the area has a vast amount of merchants who accept the cryptocurrency.

    According to Free Keene, the region has more Bitcoin-accepting merchants than the claimed number one city, San Francisco. The Shire Free Church also has launched two Bitcoin vending machines in Manchester and Keene. The Free Keene crew believes spreading Bitcoin “furthers their mission to foster peace.”


    With both machines now fully paid for, the organization says it has relieved capital to spend on advertising Bitcoin on local media. The Free Keene Bitcoin radio ad will appear on “The Peak” (101.9 WKKN-FM Keene, 100.7 WTHK-FM Wilmington, VT, and 104.7 W284AB Jamaica, VT). Listeners will hear the Bitcoin advertisement a few times a day, seven days a week from 3pm-6am EST.

    Free Keene explains the ad’s basics on its website, stating:

    Bitcoin is a powerful local currency that can also be used internationally. “It’s Keene to buy local”, and Bitcoin empowers local business owners to keep more from each sale, rather than sending three percent outside of the area to credit card companies. 

    The Ads Mark a Historic Occasion, While Shire Residents Fight the Region’s Cryptocurrency Bill

    The Peak’s Three FM Transmitters from Keene to Western Vermont

    The Free Keene movement explains the ads are a historic moment. In the past,’s Roger Ver purchased Bitcoin advertisements broadcast on Free Talk Live and its network, LRN.FM. Over 160 radio stations broadcast that older commercial, but the new Keene ad campaign marks the first time such an ad focuses on one geographic location.

    Meanwhile, the group has also dedicated efforts to convince state representatives to repeal the region’s cryptocurrency regulations. Last week, members urged a legislative committee to squash the bill that could stifle New Hampshire innovation.

    Free Keene’s website explains, “It’s frequently said that working inside the system is a waste of time, but in New Hampshire, many state reps will listen to you and showing up and being heard absolutely made a difference here.” Since the state legislature initiated the bill, cryptocurrency operations such as Poloniex stopped doing business in New Hampshire. Representative Barbara Biggie of Milford has vowed to repeal the cryptocurrency bill.

    Spreading the Bitcoin Word to a New Audience

    Keene residents know cryptocurrency offers many benefits and solutions that promote free markets and individualism. The Free Keene radio ads will definitely put Bitcoin into the ears of many listeners. Some of those ears may never have heard of digital currency.

    Meanwhile, The Peak’s three FM stations will transmit the Bitcoin ad from Keene all the way to Western Vermont. hopes this effort spreads more Bitcoin awareness in the near future.

    Below A Free Keene’s Bitcoin advertisements, which it will broadcast on The Peak. Enjoy!

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