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    The Google Home and Amazon Echo are pretty useful devices to have in the kitchen, where clean hands are often at a premium. Until now, though, when you asked Google Home for a recipe, it would happily tell you all about it — but unless you are the president of the U.S. and have the world’s greatest memory, you probably forgot more than half of the ingredients by the time it was done. Starting today, Google Home doesn’t only have access to five million new recipes, but it also allows you to easily step through them and ask questions about them.

    That ability to tell your Google Home to start cooking, repeat steps and move on to the next step is pretty useful in and of itself. To power this, Google has indexed recipes from Bon Appetite, The New York Times, Food Network and others.

    With this update, though, Google is also making it easier to find recipes to begin with. As the Google team probably realized, a device without a screen isn’t the best place to start a search for recipes, so instead of fully relying on the Home, you can now use the Google Assistant on your phone or the Google Search app for iOS and Android to find a recipe and then easily send it to the Google Home with the click of a button.

    It’s worth noting that you will also be able to ask the Home questions about your recipe (“How much lard do I need?”) and that it will correct you if, for example, you mistake your baking soda for baking powder in those questions. And while you’re doing all of that, you can still play music and set timers on the Home, too.

    This new feature is rolling out now and all users should get it over the course of the coming week.

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