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    A key company in non-fungible token (NFT) infrastructure is rolling out a new tool to help NFTs go mainstream.

    Alchemy Insights, Inc., the developer-centric firm plugged into Dapper Labs and many Ethereum blue chips, on Thursday launched an NFT API that it said will bridge assets like CryptoPunks with websites, social media and other non-crypto-native platforms.

    Think of it as Web 3 meets Web 2, CEO Nikil Viswanathan told CoinDesk.

    He said the new product line makes it easier for developers to integrate NFTs with the wider digital world. It’s not just as simple as screenshot and paste, he said, especially when it comes to future NFT applications, like the metaverse.

    “It’s really difficult to build complex applications on top of NFTs,” he said. “Our goal here is to make NFTs accessible to any developer.”


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