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The topic of encryption is becoming more prominent in media headlines these days as consumers want to protect their privacy. But the US government does not agree with this stance as federal prosecutors propose indefinite prison for a suspect unwilling to decrypt his... by admin
The Chinese state-owned ICBC Standard Bank (IDCBF), the world’s biggest bank by assets, has agreed to buy Barclays precious metals storage business, including its state-of-the-art storage facility in London. Ivana Kottasova The deal will boost China’s... by admin
Tuesday will see the unveiling of the winner at the GTEC Blockchain Innovation Awards in Berlin, with startups in line for up to €20,000 in prize money. By William Suberg GTEC Gives International Recognition to Blockchain Innovators Over 100 applicants have been... by admin
A new startup called LegacyNest will help you write a will on your behalf, as well as check whether you are still alive. But at the same time, smart contracts can achieve this same goal, which begs the question whether or not this startup will succeed. By... by admin
Online shopping is becoming a significant trend all over the world, yet a lot of people show concerns of online privacy and security. A recent US government study shows half of Americans are put off by lackluster security and privacy. By Jean-Pierre Buntinx... Translate »