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    Top 5 Things People Are Buying on OpenBazaar

      By Allen Scott OpenBazaar is the first-of-its-kind global decentralized market with thousands of products available for sale. But what are the most popular items right now? Here are the top five selling types of products on the global peer-to-peer marketplace. ‘Hot’...

    Bank of Canada: Bitcoin Adoption Could Stabilize Price

    By Stan Higgins, The central bank of Canada has published a new working paper that suggests its researchers believe digital currency exchange rates will become less volatile should adoption increase. Penned by researchers Wilko Bolt (of the central bank of The...

    Deloitte Spin-Off Nuco Partners on Blockchain IoT Project

    By Michael del Castillo, Distributed ledger startup Nuco has inked its first formal partnership since being spun out from Deloitte’s FinTech team earlier this year. The deal with Terepac Corporation has resulted in what the companies are calling the...

    Visa Testing Blockchain for Interbank Payments

    By Pete Rizzo, Visa’s London-based innovation lab has announced its latest blockchain trial will focus on interbank payments. Visa Europe Collab revealed today it has partnered with Toronto-based BTL Group to explore how the startup’s interbank settlement system can...
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